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Standing alone, in a crowded room
Chapter 5.  Karaoke Time

Bella was the kind of girl, that would remind you of Alison from Pretty Little Liars. She scares scare you to death, but you wouldn't dare imagine life without her. She makes living a very fun experience & I never had to worry about having a dull time with her. 


Text Message From: Bella
"Meet me @ Brighton's in 10 & wear something hot;) "

You couldn't say no to Bella, no matter what you're doing so of course, I put on black jeans, heels, and a flirty hot pink blouse. My hair was curled, and i was ready to go. You never knew what to expect with Bella, but she could always guarantee something exciting.  
"Hey babe!" She shouted to me, when i walked into the Coffee Shop. The best one in the hills, and the only one anyone ever goes too.  "Why are we here on a Saturday night?" I asked, curiously. "Karaoke, silly oh & did i mention? you're up first." she said and slapped me on the arm.

I was shy, very shy. At least i could sing, but still I had never sung to anyone before. 

"Everyone, this is Trinity & she's singing..."
"Summer Girl by Leighton Meester"
it was the first song that came to my head, so i chose that one.

The music started playing, and i started singing.
"I drive an army jeep, my bumper sticker reads "drink till he's cute" that's what i'm gonna doo.  Ain't got no serious thing, don't wear no diamond ring, i got a new tattoo i think you'll like the view." 
I finished the song, and everybody clapped

"I hate you" I said to Bella jokingly on my way down from the stage as she headed up and sang "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry.
Bella had an amazing voice, and could hit any note. "You make me, feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on" she sang perfectly and everybody clapped when she was done. 

It's hard being friends with somebody so. . . perfect. People are constantly comparing you to her, and you know even though nobody says it that you'll never be as good as her. 

I love you all, so so so much! you don't even know, how grateful i am. Even though i get 1-3 favorites it makes me very happy. Thanks<3 




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Standing alone, in a crowded room Chapter 5. Karaoke Time Bella

7 faves · Jul 8, 2011 10:08pm






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