Witty Profiles

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 This goes out to all the boys on witty!

1. A girl will literally go through at least 5 outfits just to feel pretty for you.
2.  A  girl will think about something you said, bad or good,
all day sometimes longer.

3. A girl will change her whole personality, just to be what you want.
4. A girl will cry over one mean word you call her because she thought she loved you.
5. A girl will treasure anything nice you do, a love letter, even something hand made, just because it came from you.

6. A girl is very sensitive, so choose what you say carefully.
7. If a girl is truly in love with you, she will do her best to make you feel special... and hope you will do the same.
8. A girl will wait her day for a text from you so she knows you were  thinking about her.

9. A girl will call herself ugly just so you can tell her she's pretty.
10. When a girl says 'okay.' or 'I'm fine.' she most likely is not.
11. A girl will reread all the sweet texts from you and cherish them.
12. When a girl tells you she missed you, no one could miss you more than that.
13. A girl will have absolutely nothing to talk about but the conversation still means everything to her.   

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This goes out to all the boys on witty! 1. A girl will literally

7 faves · Jul 8, 2011 3:18pm






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