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Say Hello, To Goodbye
 Chapter One


He picked some black roses and inspected them carefully. Making sure they were the right ones. He brought it to the front, ready to purchase them. The cashier smiled flirtatiously at him.
"Hey Nick." She smiled.
"Hey Lea." He said with no enthusiasm in his voice.
"How are you?"
"Good." One word answers always helped him get out of situations like this. He had went to school with Lea and they even had a thing once upon a time, but he was over it.
"I love your new haircut, really makes your eyes...pop." She giggled with a big grin on her face.
Nick just stared at her blankly. Handed a ten over, "Keep the change." And walked out.

Maybe He was a little rude to her, but he didn't have time for her or any other woman. HIs life was busy enough. He got in his old, pick up truck and headed to the cemetary. He shook his hair out if his eyes and pulled into a spot.

He never knew why girls were always checking him out. He looked just like every other guy on the street. Well, maybe not completely. He was tall, and muscular. He worked out everyday. He had shaggy brown hair, that gently covered his icey blue eyes. He had clear skin and well... he was pretty gorgeous.

It was sad that he didn't care though. He didn't ask to be a hot guy, so he just took it one day at a time. He walked into the cemetary and headed right to the grave. He knew exactly where it was and had it completely memorized.

 It was a sunny day. This made Nick mad. How could the world be so happy and excited on the year anniversary? He was the only one who had even showed up. This made him even more angry. How can people forget things like this?

He shoook the thought from his head and knelt down. He closed his eyes. He tried to pray, but kept hearing something. It was a sniffling. Like someone was crying. He looked around to see a girl. A girl he didn't recongize. She looked up at him.
"Sorry.." He pleaded. "I was just..." He trailed off.
She just stared at him blankly.
He turned his head back to the grave. What was her problem? She couldn't speak back to him? I guess it was better that way. But something about her was... exciting. She was unlike any girl here. He wanted to talk to her.

But Nick couldn't. He didn't let anyone new in his life. And only he knew why.


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Say Hello, To Goodbye Chapter One Daylight. He picked some black

8 faves · Jul 3, 2011 2:18pm






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