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Dear witty girls ,
i'm in 9th grade going to 10th . my parents are considering moving . they say they're certain but they're still thinking it over . PLEASE , fave this . imagine you had to leave your BESTFRIEND and your "HIM" . i'm planning on showing my mom & hopefully she'll see all of these people that understand me .
Honestly , thankyou for those you fave<3
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Dear witty girls , i'm in 9th grade going to 10th . my parents

74 faves · 7 comments · Jul 2, 2011 8:17pm






gabriella_04 · 1 decade ago
I know what your going through because I'm going through the same thing : / ! So I understand what your feeling right now ( :
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iSpeakTheTruth · 1 decade ago
As a teenager, I don't think they should move unless it is absolutely necessary; i.e Bad Neighborhood, Low Income Houses, School Problems, A Job, etc. You really need to have your friends and enjoy the high school life. There's no point in making new friends if you're just going to move, and it makes you antisocial. It is really harmful to your child's mental health. I hope your parents will reconsider ! :3
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KissmeintheRainx0 · 1 decade ago
i moved last summer away from all of my best friends that i've known since kindergarten. id hate to see that happen to you. i hope you stay wherever you are because you sound happpyyy<3 good luck darling(:
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lovely_paradise · 1 decade ago
yeah , it does /:
i mean , whatever happens i'll have to accept . but its worth a shot , right ? well , anyways . thankyou for faving<3
& also , your very pretty ! (-:
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anniebabydoll123 · 1 decade ago
OH. You've moved that much? Wow... I don't think you should move now... It sucks being a teenager and never really getting to settle somewhere... :/
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lovely_paradise · 1 decade ago
yeah , i guess so . it just wouldn't be the same though /:
if we move , this will be the 4th time in ONE YEAR . its really hard being this young & having to move place to place .
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anniebabydoll123 · 1 decade ago
In the end, if you do have to move, maybe during breaks you could go back to visit friends? I promise wherever you end up you'll like it eventually. :)
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