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New world ,   new choice

chapter 2

Chanel and I walked into our new mansion. we were most deffinately NOT expecting this. when we walked

in there was a great big chandeleir hanging above our heads. and a huge staircase that led upstairs. you

could probably get lost in it. we didnt know where our parents went so my little four year old sister and i

explored the our new mansion ourselves. first order of buissenes was to pick out our rooms.

"lydia i want the one with the big window!" chanel called out.

"okay chanel that's fine!"

i chuckled to myself. she was too cute.

chanel found our parents, so i decided to explore the rest of our new house by myself. i walked out back

and there was a huge inground pool, and it was enclosed too. i'm actually starting to like this. especially

since it was only june and we had the whole summer to enjoy it. we also had a huge backyard.

while i was reminiscing  in our new house, i got broken out of my daze when my phone vibrated. it was toby.

glad all went well. i miss you. love you.<3

i was so lucky to have him.


later that night once everything was settled, we all went downstairs for dinner. 

"i would like to propose a toast, to our new life in portugal." my dad said.

we all clinked our glasses together, my mom, dad, and i with glasses on champagne, and chanel with her

sippy cup filled with apple juice. we ate our meal and finally went to our rooms for the night. i got on my

laptop to check facebook real quick before i went to bed. maybe even toby will be on. i looked at my profile

and where it was supposed to say "in a relationship with toby kits" only said "in a relationship" i

checked toby's facebook and his relationship status said "in a relationship with Mellisa Farbor" my

heart instantly dropped.


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New world , new choices chapter 2 Chanel and I walked into our

7 faves · 1 comments · Jul 1, 2011 4:43pm






Fancyfiction_collabx4 · 1 decade ago
our format. but goood job(:
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