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Alright, I just have to save this somewhere. My boyfriend sent this to me but about half an hour before, he said he was going to bed. Oh, and this came in FIVE texts.

Haley, you're amazing, I love you, you are beautiful, I miss you already, you mean more to me than music, when I hug you I'm tempted to never let go, when I see you I never wanna look away, when I'm with you I'm happy, when I'm with you I feel like I can do anything, I hope I never lose you, I would do anything to keep you in my life, when I kiss you I get even happier, when I'm alone with you I wish I could spend the rest of my life like that, when my arm is around you I can't be mad, I hope you stay in my life, if you leave me I don't know what I'd do, whatever I did to deserve you was the best decision of my life! On second thought, I don't deserve you! You're amazing and beautiful and deserve nothing but the best! But the best I can give you is my love and I hope that's enough.. Oh, and did I mention, I LOVE YOU!

And he says he doesn't deserve me... funny. I love him so much.

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Alright, I just have to save this somewhere. My boyfriend sent

8 faves · 1 comments · Jun 30, 2011 3:24am






iAmJanettastic · 1 decade ago
Smfh. I get the same texts from him saying all this about you. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time D; haha
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