Witty Profiles

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[a] available: Singlee;D
[b]irthday: July 8th
[c]rush: No crushes :( But I love all British and Australian guys ;)
[d]rink you last had: Water...
[e]asiest person to talk to: Some random person in the internet.
[f]avorite genre of music: I love all types of music.
[g]ummy bears or gummy worms: Worms!
[h]ad your first kiss: I kissed a guy once when i was 10..does that count? :D
[i]nstrument: Piano
[j]uice: ORANGE <3
[k]illed someone: Yeah..i hid the body very well. :D (jk) or am i..
[l]ongest trip: Australia <3
[m]ilkshake flavor: Strawberry.
[n]umber of siblings: 1 little sister
[o]ne wish: That i will get a lot of friends soon.
[p]erson who holds the best memorie with you: Hannah
[q]uiet or loud: It depends...usually loud.
[r]easons to smile: The rain
[s]ong: AAH! Umm..space bound, tonight tonight, weightless......
[t]ime you woke up: 11:00 am
[u]mbrella: LOVEEE RAIIN
[v]egetable: POTATO. Its a vegetable right?
[w]ho was your first kiss:Jeremy xD
[x]-rays you've have: on my knee and back
[y]our favorite animal: cat and wonbat
[z]oo: Yes please. You pay me. :)
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[a] available: Singlee;D [b]irthday: July 8th [c]rush: No crushes

0 faves · Jun 29, 2011 7:21pm




