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S y d n e y
12 | Great | Beautiful


I'm Sydney, if you couldn't read, I'm 12 years old and I'm in the seventh grade. I love to listen to rap and contemporary music. Contemporary is amazing.♥ I love to play basketball and sing. I don't have the best voice in the world, but it's alright. My feet are, now, ALWAYS COLD! My eyes change colors from the orginial color, dark brown, to light brown and blue and gray. I'm not that popular, so I really don't care. I don't start drama, I know many people in my grade starts it a little bit TOO much. I ♥ God, He's real biiig in my life. I give advice to anyone that needs help, but you have to think about what I say. I'm always drawing anime eyes and their characters. I don't watch it, but I just like to draw them. People always ask me what my favorite color is...I don't like favoritism to one thing or person or a group of people. People think that I'm smarter than them because they always think that I'm supposed to be in G/T. It's been that way for a long time. I'm real biig on grammar. I hate it when people write in "text" language, it gets on my nerves. I love going and doing new things. I'm 5"6 1/3 inches...I am always the tallest or the second tallest person in the class. I'm the only child, yes I know "awesome." I'm the usually the one who gets the joke first and the one who laughs last at it. I hate the word death..I know it'll come one day, but not today, hopefully. I love the sound of rain...It's lovely.♥ I love the word green, I don't know why, but it's just great I guess. I love writing! I write stories all the time. Mostly mystery stories. I always spell check before I put anything on a final. I hate to be treated like someone's property. Because I am not the property of yours. I would like to be a doctor's assasints or even a nurse, they seem like good. Bye.(:
anything else(:

I really hate it when people tell me in my GB that I need to vote for them, for now on I do not want to see them. You can actually get very tried with those. -.- I will only accept F/Rs that will have good reasons why I should be your friend. No more blank ones... If I am ask to on chat and I know them really well, then I'll probably be willing to do it.(:
 Made By alex.xoxo.

ByyI aaa 

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S y d n e y 12 | Great | Beautiful Bio I'm Sydney, if you

0 faves · Jun 28, 2011 6:26am




