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i really need advice. okay, so you see there is this guy that i like & he likes me. whenever i text him he sometimes text back and sometimes doesn't. he usually is either sleeping or busy, but it seems to me like he doesn't want to talk. should i wait for him to text me? or should i text him & just wait? i really don't want to be annoying. he is my neighbor and him and my brother are good friends & me & his sister are close. it would be kind of weird if we dated.
and then this other girl is trying to convince him to like her and not like me. he said a while back that me and him had a thing, but i don't know if we still do. how do i figure all of this out?

Ps, i am truly sorry if this is confusing. i didn't know how to write it in words.

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i really need advice. okay, so you see there is this guy that

1 faves · 2 comments · Jun 27, 2011 10:31am






frenchybabe13 · 1 decade ago
mmkay thankss( :

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sydissic · 1 decade ago
u shood wait for him 2 text u. && if he doesnt, text him urself. if he doesnt answer rite away, just wait he will eventually. the occasional call doesnt hurt either(:
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