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My dad left
my mom and I when i was only 2 months old. Im 14 years old now, and i still havent seen, talked, heard from, or even met him. I'm not that upset about it though. But because of him leaving, I have always been afraid of being abandoned. Until i was 6, i always slept with my mom. I guess it just gave me a sense of security, knowing someone was there for me. When i was in 2nd grade my mom had her first asthma attack. I went to my daycare after school, thinking it was just another normal day, to find out that my mom was in the hospital after a serious attack. My aunt picked me and stayed with me for about a week, seeing i dont have any brothers or sisters. I was terrified. That entire week i cried myself to sleep, thoughts of my mom dying or getting sick ran through my mind. When i was in 3rd grade my mom had another attack, and she had another when i was in 4th. During my 5th grade year my mom's asthma got better. She no longer had as much trouble breathing. Im in 9th grade now and my mom's great. But im still scared. I still, at 14, have trouble sleeping over peoples houses. Im scared that, while im away, my mom might have another attack and not be able to get to the phone in time to call for help. When i get invited over someones house and am welcomed to sleepover, i often say no. One of my friends even makes fun of me for it. Just because im scared. If you read all of this, i love you. Thank you so much♥
This is 100% true.


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My dad left my mom and I when i was only 2 months old. Im 14

9 faves · 3 comments · Jun 25, 2011 10:16pm






MySecrets143 · 1 decade ago
Thanks for the support. It really means alot♥
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livinglife · 1 decade ago
no one should make fun of you for it , it just shows that you care about your mom.
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dont_tell23 · 1 decade ago
thats teriblllleeeeee)))):
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