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2 faves · 2 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




tswift · 1 decade ago
As you probably know I have gone through a couple of guys in my life. Having a boyfriend is not that bvig of a deal. What I would do is I would just tell your friends that you have never had a boyfriend and tell them that you told them that you did because you wanted to impress them or something like that. If they are yor true friends then they will still stand by your side. <3
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beautysecrets · 1 decade ago
I'm fourteen.
I've never had a boyfriend either.
I'm waiting for someone who I truely LOVE rather than the other people at my school who date just to date. He's gonna come, don't worry. You friends will understand- really, its no big deal to tell them you've never dated anyone. :)
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