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the bands

the bands are great.
the bands are cool.
they make me forget about school.

the pain I'm in,
the pain I've concord.
,the more i look at it they've made me stronger.
they stole my heart with there catchy tunes.

but its more than that, its the dudes!
they're so evil but sexy
with those innocent kind of eyes.
they felt so much pain.
they way they just go insane.
i mean look at Sixx, Evans, Sam,
they may be insane but i just don't give a damn!

 they flip their hair just like Justin Bieber .
watching them makes me feel like my sister!
so  i guess that's why I'm writing this poem
to tell you the truth its not just  the song that gets me goin'
its not just how the band is so cool
its just the boys that get me in the mood!


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the bands the bands are great. the bands are cool. they make

0 faves · Jun 23, 2011 12:58pm




