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We were all dressed up, ready to enjoy the dance. I was secretly waiting for you to come. When I saw you walk through that door, my heart started beating out of my chest. My smile grew to about a mile wide.

My friends asked you to dance with me you replied instantly; no hesitation. When Back to December started to play, your friends started to push you towards me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see you walking towards me. Again, my heart started beating out of my chest. 

I put my arms around you, you put your arms around me.  You kept saying "we're just friends." People were cheering for us. Then you said, "Shut up, this is my girl." My smile was about the size of the world. Then, my eyes started to water. You said "I'm sorry." and let go of me. Why did you let go? I felt so safe in your arms. I went home and cried.

All of my friends are saying that you really wanted to dance with me. They say that your interested in me. 8th grade is over in 4 1/2 days. Then we're off to high school and I will probably never see you again. I'm going to miss you so much. The 5 seconds that we danced were amazing. Although every time you said "we're just friends" I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart.

I hope this didn't make things akward. I really care about you. You are the nicest guy I have every met. You apologized for something that you didn't even cause. That's when it hit me that you are extremely caring. I love you, and I'm sorry if this ruined our friendship. <3
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We were all dressed up, ready to enjoy the dance. I was secretly

1 faves · Jun 18, 2011 5:13pm






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