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It's been one year;
one year since the last time i was in your arms. one year since i felt your soft lips
on mine. one year since you told me you love me. one year since you made me
smile. one year since all the cute texts you would send me. one year since i
considered you my best friend. one year since you told me forever. one year
since you told me how pretty i was. one year since i was sure you were
the one. one year since we hung out. one year since you had your
arm around me. one year since you ended it. one year since
i cried and cried. one year since i was completely
heartbroken. but it took me one year to realize
you weren't worth my tears. and you know
what? i'm perfectly happy
without you.
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It's been one year; one year since the last time i was in

91 faves · Jun 15, 2011 12:51pm





break up

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