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Please read, its worth it.
So I've become so depressed since my mom passed away last summer, and this morning I even had thoughts of suicide. Driving home this morning, I got hit by a car. For some reason when I saw it coming at me i accelerated. It hit my back door... if I wouldn't have accelerated, it would have hit my door. It seemed like a sign saying that its not my time yet, otherwise I would have died in that accident. I think that this accident actually saved my life.

Things do happen for a reason.
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Please read, its worth it. So I've become so depressed since

4 faves · 2 comments · Jun 14, 2011 2:00pm






JustAnotherArtist* · 1 decade ago
Listen, I've been through similar, not as bad, but similar. Keep your head up, look at the great things in life. Most importantly, think about how much your mother loved/loves you, do good in life for her.
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kenzieschill · 1 decade ago
Honey, just think about how happy your mom is now. It was her time to go, just like you said things happen for a reason. Be strong, I know that's how she wants you to be. & I'm also terribly sorry. Don't ever give up your life, for ANYTHING. Stay strong and keep that head held high. I bet your mother is extremely proud(:
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