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miraculous love
chapter 14: megs pov

that night kylie april faith came up with a plan. 
"your sure that the die is wash out?" i asked, she had died her hair so dark it looked like it would at least keep it light brown and not return to its natural state. 
"ya, i just need to wash it a bunch and really hard, too." 
"well then lets get started washing." 
she ran upstairs  took out her contacts and jumped in the shower and began to wash. her bathroom was reasonably big, and not being a creeper or anything, i sat in there while she washed her hair and we chatted. she was behind a shower curtain! it wasnt like i was going to sit there awkwardly in her room all alone. 
"so what did matt say?" i asked about the 3rd wash. 
"he was kinda speechless... he has no clue that im kylie i bet. thats why i wanted to get this dye out so he will believe me, or else he will think that im crazy. 
"i get ya." i sat there awkwardly for another few washes, "holden text me and asked if i had told you."
"you had not. you just said i wasnt wrong. ha ha ha!" i laughed along with her. 
"hows it going in there? is it coming out." it had been atleast an hour. 
"uh... can you hand me my pjs?" she asked as she turned the water off. i did so, and sat there anticipating my old friend again. she stepped out from behind the curtain. the die was completley gone and she had her normal eye color. 
"beautiful. he is going be speechless." she dried her hair with a towel to get the water out and then blow dried it. she had really pretty blonde hair in the first place, so i have no clue why she would die it so dark. 
"you really think so."

yay for old kylie! :D ha ha ha ha... so do you think i should find pics of what they all look like... would you like that?

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miraculous love chapter 14: megs pov that night kylie april

6 faves · 1 comments · Jun 14, 2011 11:54am




