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Dear Mattt, 

You wanna know whats bugging me? Whats hurting me on the inside?

The fact that this is the last week of school and its all finals. We don't have any classes together and so I don't get to see you for 3 straight hours. And then for lunch, I only have lunch with you twice this week.

After Friday its summmer, you are going to be going your way traveling and having your fun and I am going to be going my way going to dance camps and trying to have fun. The bad thing, I don't know when or even IF I will be able to see you. I have had the most AMAZING 6 months being yours and I don't want to loose you. I really don't know how I am going to be able to go through summer with out you. Its going to push me to the edge and I may give up, but PLEASE, don't let me give up. I want to be yourss forever. So please, don't let this summer ruin us. I know we can do it, we can conqueor the world together.

True Love Always,
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Dear Mattt, You wanna know whats bugging me? Whats hurting me

3 faves · 2 comments · Jun 13, 2011 9:40pm






xoxloveexox3 · 1 decade ago
i agree with waenaa this is soo cute:D
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raenaxonicole · 1 decade ago
stay strong Colleen<3

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