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Getting Over You
Chapter 1

My heart broke in half. I looked him in the eyes and said I Love you though my tears. He didn’t look me in the eyes. He put his head down in shame and I ran away crying. I ran into a little alley way. No one ever went through there. I sat there hugging my knees, crying and crying. I put my head down and closed my eyes, trying to stop the tears. It didn’t work. They poured out of my eyes like buckets of tears that were in my heart then when my heart shattered, it all poured out and I couldn’t help it.

               I went on my internet on my phone and went on to facebook. I went to my profile and changed the profile picture that was of me and him. I changed my relationship status to ‘single’. I then went into my pictures and had to delete most of them. Ones with me & him and I had to un-tag him in ‘I Love you’ photos. I was still crying. Just then I heard my name being called.
                    “Kristi!” someone shouted.
                    “Kristi!” Another voice shouted.
                    “I’m here!” I mumbled drying my tears.
                    Just then my four best friends, Grace, Faith, Sophie and Emily came around the corner. My best friend out of all of them wasn’t there but she is my, now ex-boyfriend’s sister. They all came running over to me and Emily and Faith sat beside me.
                    “I seen you’re status,” Faith said.
                    “Are you okay?” Grace asked.
                    “No,” I mumbled. Sophie put her arm around my neck. “Where’s Scarlet?”
                    “She’s at home with... She’s at home,” Emily said.
                    “She’s at home with Lucas isn’t she?” I said, resting my head on my knees.
                    “Yea,” Emily whispered.
                    I let out another cry and buried my head in my hoodie. “Come on Kristi,” Sophie said. She pulled me up and I stood with dark marks on my hoodie and jeans from crying. My make up was smeared all over my face. Faith took out a cloth and wiped my eyes and face. We started walking out of the town, me in the middle of Emily, Grace, Faith and Sophie, trying to hide my red eyes and smeared make-up.
                    We walked up the path and down my avenue until we got to my house. I said goodbye to everyone and then went on inside. I ran up the stairs and into my room. First I took some wipes and cleaned my face of the smudged make-up. I didn’t bother putting anymore on because I was certain that I would be crying soon. I set my phone on my bed-side table and threw myself down on my bed.
                    I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep because being awake was just too unbearable. I couldn’t get to sleep because when I closed my eyes, all that I saw was him. But when I opened my eyes I saw the picture of him and me, sitting on my bedside table. I dropped it on my carpet and burst into tears again. Just then I heard my phone, I picked it up, drying my eyes so I could see the screen.
New Message Received
Lucas Donaldson
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                    I started to Panic. What did he want? My heart started beating faster. Should I open it? My vision started to get smeared so I wiped my eyes and put my phone down on my bed-side table again. My phone vibrated a few seconds later. The message was from Lucas again. Lucas kept texting me every minute and then I started crying again. I thought of all the texts he text me before; all the cute texts with ‘I Love You Kristi’ at the end with loads of hugs and kisses before. I now knew that it was a good idea to not put make-up on; I would have had to wash my pillows. I threw my phone at the ground and when he text me again, I threw a pillow at my phone. When I stopped crying, I got my phone off the floor and unlocked it.
17 New Messages Received
Lucas Donaldson
18:32 – 18:54
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Getting Over You Chapter 1 My heart broke in half. I looked him

3 faves · 3 comments · Jun 10, 2011 1:29pm






MeeAndYoou · 1 decade ago
Chapter two on my profile :)
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MeeAndYoou · 1 decade ago
It will get better(:
Thanks for viewing/Favouriting :) <3
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the_doll_face · 1 decade ago
so good! sad though :_(
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