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miraculous love
chapter 6: aprils pov

when matt walked into the froyo store i felt my heart flutter and my cheeks get hot. meg punched me and i giggled. it was so crazy, i didnt know if it was just me or that he could be james twin brother. i gave him a soft smile and played with my hair, twirling it as i paid for the peanut butter fro yo, with strawberrys, blue berries and white chocolate chips. it was a healthy portion and i ended up paying about $6.
we found a cozy corner, and took a seat. it was pretty quiet and awkward for the first bit of our snack till holden offered that we go to the park later that night for a free concert that he heard about from his cousin, kyle. i flinched at the name because it was so close to my real name kylie... matt did too, but i dont know why. meg saw it, and patted my back, "ya that sounds like alot of fun... who is playing?"
"some local teen band, my cousin is good friends with the guitarist and the lead singer, he said i should come and bring a few friends."
"i think we should go... that seems like alot of fun, ive never been to a concert in dustin." i said.
"okay well then its settled, what time should we meet?" matt asked holden.
"how about we grab supper before, because the concerts at 8 tonight. wanna meet up at pizza inn?"
"sounds good." i agreed. after we finalized the plans we gathered up our froyo trash. as i was about to get into the car with meg, we usually carpooled, matt stopped me.
"hey, so i was thinking... um, would you wanna be my date to the concert... cuz i mean holden and meg are already together and it was just be us too awkwardly there and i thought we could go-" he asked. my head began to spin and i cut him off. "sure..." i said casually, "pick me up at 7:30?" and i slid into the passenger seat of megs car, my heart beating so fast i thought i was having a heart attack.
"he asked you out?!" 
"mhm!" i nodded, blushing like crazy.... maybe i could find a way to put james out of my mind.... its not like i was ever going to see him again. 

sorry i havnt written but with witty being down yesterday... i didnt have time too. the format isnt working either. soo ya know.

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miraculous love chapter 6: aprils povwhen matt walked into the

4 faves · 1 comments · Jun 10, 2011 11:15am






shscheer2013 · 1 decade ago
when are they gonna find out about each otherrrrrrrr?????????
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