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miraculous love
chapter 5: matts pov

i sat on my bed in boxers and a tee looking down at the floor. i was tired from playing basketball from holden, meg, and april. i never thought that i would here myself say this but i think that i was falling in love again... just like with kylie. but april was different, she was not as shy, but had built up a wall that i thought that i would never get down. i felt guilty for thinking about this, but its not like i would ever see kylie again. she told me to my face that she never wanted to see me again, she probably thinks im dead... well james is dead, im matt, not a jerk not a player... would never heart a girls heart. 
i fell backwards on my back and stared at the cieling. i pulled out my phone because i had gotten a text from holden.
holden: had fun tonight. wbu? 
me: ya. wanna get meg to let april hang out with us somemore.
holden: hm? whats this about.
me: idk. yet.
holden: you think u ready to date again?
me: idk... yet

i sat my phone on the counter and switched on the tv. baseball world series was on, so i watched for a bit till i realized i had dozed off. when i woke up the next morning i jumped in the shower ran my fingers through my hair to shake out the water and through on basketball shorts and a tee. meg had invited holden and i to go get some fro yo at the local fro yo place... tutti frutti. while driving i realized i caught my self only thinking one thing... whether or not april was going to be there. this was different i used to catch myself hoping that kylie would be at every place i was, waiting to hug me and tell me she loved me.... had i really moved on?

thanks to the 3 readers i think i have im gonna finish... its just i think i get my hopes up that im a more popular writer than i think i am... o well :l ill just write cuz i enjoy it... r readers or not. <3 thanks for all the comments by the way.... and i got a formspring so ask me questions. :)

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miraculous love chapter 5: matts povi sat on my bed in boxers

10 faves · Jun 8, 2011 1:02pm






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