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ok so I'm not gay or bi or anything I'm straight but i really want to kiss a girl
when i say kiss i don't mean like a five second little kiss i mean like full on make out.
girls are so much more loving and understanding you know what i mean?
like guys are like "common baby get it in"
And then girls are like "its ok you don't have to if you don't want to"
so if any of you girls could help me i would really appreciate it

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ok so I'm not gay or bi or anything I'm straight but

3 faves · 2 comments · Jun 7, 2011 7:34pm






SexxiManda · 1 decade ago
ill help(; talkk to me
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ChloeTheePanda · 1 decade ago
It's okay, hun. Like, I was straight when I was a little kid, but since about the age of 7 (or maybe younger) i was interested in girls, so you're probably bicurious (as in being straight but being 'curious' about your own /gender). :') It's a good thing, and don't be ashamed. :'D
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