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miraculous love 2
chapter 1: megs pov

i sat on the swing porch and rocked back and forth as the wind pushed me along. holden sat in a rocking chair and was humming along to his ipod. matt sat in the corner of the barricade of my front porch reading huckleberry finn. summer let out just 2 days ago and we were already bored. i walked inside and poured myself a glass of lemondae. i heard my mom and dad talking in the living room with another couple so i walked in to see who it was.
"megan... you remember the faiths? they were our neighbor 3 years ago... they had a daughter..." thats all i needed to hear. i ran out the door and ran to the house i had so many good times in. i loved holden and matt, like brothers, but i really needed a girlfriend at times. i busted through the back door.
"kylie!" i called through the house. it seemed to echo through the kitchen. i got no response. i walked into the living room, "kylie faith?" i said a little louder. still no response. "KYLIE APRIL FAITH!" i yelled. 
"shhhh...." came from her old bedroom. i peeped my head around the corner and saw a dark haired girl sitting on kylies bed.... wait... kylie? i stepped in and put my hands on my hips. she looked up... "its just april now." she said with a smile. she ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"man! ive missed having you around when hanging out with holden and... you have to meet matt! you'll love him! what did you do with your hair? how long are you back?" the questions kept coming, i had so many questions to ask her.
"megg.... i dont want anything to do with my past... ive already had to face who i always met at the front door... he's gone." 
"uhm... yea..." i mumbled under my breath. no one told her?! well... she will find out soon enough.
"so why the dark hair?" i asked.
"didnt want to be recognized. and im staying here permanetly."
"this is gonna be a great summer. want me to help you unpack?" 
"sure?" she responded. later that evening i was going to convince her to meet matt, and see holden... she had to face her past sometime.... 

and it would be something she wouldnt forget... for the better :)

what does megan know that kylie/april doesnt? if you know... comment... shouldnt be to hard my sister guessed after she read the first chapter so i know you can (well if you read book 1) otherwise take a wild guess! comments make me happy :D soooo much more than faves... but i like those too!!! 

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miraculous love 2chapter 1: megs povi sat on the swing porch

8 faves · 3 comments · Jun 6, 2011 10:12am






last_breath · 1 decade ago
:) te he :)
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JacobyLover2 · 1 decade ago
he's alive ahh!!!!
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RockrChik1121 · 1 decade ago
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