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Wants to be my baby?
Chapter 5
Justin's POV

I climbed up the ladder and then jumped onto the patio. i took in my surroundings after i had gotten back my balance. In the far corner was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. She looked broken and sad but past that you could see her true beauty. Before i realized i had moved, i was kneeling down in front of her. Her hair was like a blonde waterfall that flowed with every small movement. The girls eyes were bright blue and seemed to twinkle of course i could be seeing things. i held out my hand trying to comfort her somehow.
"Hey are you alright?" Why was she crying? i pulled her up on her feet and steadied her. But i guess my hood accidentally fell off my head and well her eyes grew even bigger;if that was possible. i smiled trying to calm her down.
"your...your...your..." she was stuttering i smiled.
"Yes I'm Justin Bieber" she smiled and took a few deep breaths. 
"Hi I'm Elizabeth Rosewood." her voice was still a little shaky but there was something about it that made my toes tingle. Her hand pulled away from mine and my eyebrows pulled together. She walked over to the ledge where i had climbed the up. Her eyebrows shot up to her hair line.
"Did you scale the building?" there was an apparent shock in her voice. "Ummm yes i did, you see i didn't have and invitation and i was alone and its my birthday and..."she was smiling with her arms crossed,all traces of sadness was gone.
"Well i guess you could come in without an invitation. i promise not to tell anyone." there was laughter in her voice.
"Well lead the way shawty"i winked and he breathing increased. She giggled then went through the door and into the club. She grabbed my hand and started weaving through the crowd.  i was pretty impressed, i hadn't been in a club like this in a while. Most of them now a day are crowded and really dark. This one was open and the energy was light. We headed down the spiral stairs and onto the dance floor. There were people everywhere, you couldn't even see where you were going. yet somehow Elizabeth maneuvered us through the crowed and to the bar. She dropped my hand and went up to a red headed girl with a silver skin tight dress.
"Maria do you know where Ali might be?" Elizabeth yelled over the blaring music. the girl named Maria nodded and pointed towards the photo booth. Elizabeth thanked her then grabbed my hand again, i smiled at the warmth it brought me. We then weaved our way through the moving bodies and towards the booth. She looked back at me and smiled i returned the smile and she blushed, MAN!!! she was cute! When we reached the corner of the club Elizabeth pulled her hand away from mine and she opened the curtain. There sat a girl in a blue dress that was dangerously short with strait brown hair in a guys lap and they were making out. I looked over at Elizabeth her facial expression was shock mixed with horror and pain maybe? her voice shot through the air with sharpness no knief could match.
"ALI HOW COULD YOU!!!"  The two broke apart suddenly with surprise on both of their faces. The brown headed girl got up and exited the photo booth.
"Elizabeth please don't make a scene."she whispered and avoided eye contact with anyone. She put her hand on Elizabeth's arm for comfort but i don't think Elizabeth wanted comfort because she jerked away from the touch.  
"NO I WANT TO MAKE A SCENE!! WHY? I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!" Elizabeth continued to yell at the top of her lungs. 
"Liz please let's go outside and talk...it is my birthday" She was on the verge of tears. i felt bad for her. 
"fine" Elizabeth stomped away and out of the club. i decided to follow them and make sure she was alright. The music had stopped and everyone stared after the two girls, this night kept getting worse and worse!



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Wants to be my baby? Chapter 5 Justin's POV I climbed up

4 faves · Jun 3, 2011 3:05pm






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