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When you look in your heart,
Your soul, and your mind
What do you find?
The joy and the laughter, the smile that you bring;
The heart unafraid to love and to sing?
The hand always willing to help those in need?

Or do you see the sadness, 
the shyness or worst of all the feeling to flee?
The part that hides behind a mask
Cause of her feelings of grief?

Your inner criticism and insecurity
On one side there will be a minority,
 on the other you will find
Your life will be defined
By the things that are thought
Or the words that are talked.

To look past what others may think,
you must always remember that of witch you know.
Always appreciate who you are inside,
May you never let it go.

-Kayla A. Shonk

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When you look in your heart, Your soul, and your mind What do

9 faves · Jun 3, 2011 1:29am






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