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I have been bullied
since third grade.  A group of girls would constantly make fun of me during recess. They would make fun of the way i dressed, my hair, my shoes, basically anything they could think of. I hated it. But every day i went to school, a fake smile plastered on my face, and ignored them, knowing they would never phase me. Eventually they got bored of it and stopped. They apologized and i forgave them, even after all the mean and hurtful things they said. We became friends.
In fourth grade i was bullied by another girl. She would just trash on me and swear at me. I ignored her and brushed off everything she said. I wasn't going to let her get to me. Eventually i had enough of it. She apologized and we became best friends.
In seventh grade i was bullied by two of my close friends. They would swear at me, ignore me, spread rumors, and at one time; physically hurt me. I had, and still don't, have any clue what i did. I would go home crying every day. It even got to the point when they were threatening me and one of my other friends. It went on for the whole year. It was terrible. None of my other friends were in any of my classes, and those two where in all my classes. They made my life a living hell. They never apologized.
Summer came & went and soon it was eighth grade year. I came to school, scared that it would be like the year before. Thankfully it wasn't. They talked to me and acted like nothing ever happened. We were friends again, and i forgave them. But a part of me still holds onto what happened. 
If you actually read this, thank you. I love you. No, I dont want your sympathy, i only wrote this to get it out. I have a million more things i want to vent, but i wont bore you with it. If you have ever been bullied and want to talk, im here for you. I know how it feels.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Once again, i love you♥
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I have been bullied since third grade. A group of girls would

6 faves · Jun 2, 2011 8:25pm






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