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20 random and useless facts

1.budweiser conditions the hair
2.pam cooking spray will dry fingernail polish
3.cool whip conditions your hair in 15 minutes
4.put elmers glue on your face and let it dry, peel off and see the dead skin and blackheads
5.want shiny hair, use brewed lipton tea
6.sunburn? use a large jar of nestea in your bath water
7.burn your tounge? put sugar on it
8.bee stings-use meat tenderizer
9.stinky feet? JELLO!
10.peanut butter get scratches off cds...wipe off with coffee filter paper
11.pam cooking spray removes paint from your hands
12.heavy dandruff? pur on vinegar
13.a slinky will hold toast.
14.to keep glasses from fogging, use colgate toothpaste
15.if you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would produce enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee
16.banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour
17.an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain
18.if you attempted to count to stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count them all
19.mel blanc, the voice of bugs bunny, is allergic to carrots
20.cockroaches can live 9 days with out their heads

not mine (:
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20 random and useless facts 1.budweiser conditions the hair 2.pam

10 faves · Jun 2, 2011 7:15pm






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