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Who wants to be my baby?
Chapter 2
Elizabeth's POV

I looked in the mirror one last time, i was wearing a purple dress that had black lace on the lower half. The dress stopped right above my knee and i wore simple black flats. My curly blonde hair flowed past my shoulders and my makeup was darker than usually but it still looked good and made my blue eyes sparkle. I smiled at my reflection; i couldn't believe that i was going to Atlanta's newest teen club with my best friend Ali. Ali's dad had won the lottery for 10 million dollars and used almost half on this club for Ali. He even named it after her "Totally Radd" is something Ali said about everything. Though our friendship hadn't changed. Yes she had gained more popularity at school and she had moved into a new mansion but our friendship still stood strong. We called each other sisters and in a way we were which was nice for me since i didn't have any other siblings. i literally ran down my driveway to the limo that was waiting for me. i was immediately engulfed in familiar arms as i sat down on the plush leather.
"Elizabeth I'm so excited" Ali squealed as we drove away from my house.
"Me 2! This is going to be the best 16th birthday party ever!" We squealed and laughed all the way to the club. As we pulled on to the street where the club was located we were blown away by the number of people lined up outside the club; the line went on for miles! We looked at each other and the shock was apparent on both of our faces. Ali had invited the entire school but we didn't ever imagine they would all come! We pulled up in front of the club and our driver came around and opened our door. We stepped out on to the red carpet and i heard the screaming of our classmates rise to a deafening tone. We smiled and waved then hurried on into the club. I stopped short in the doorway of the club....it was absolutely amazing!!! We walked into a big open room where the dance floor dominated the space. The floor changed colors in time with the music. There were two walls that looked like a gold fish tank on steroids! There was a bar that had cute stools all on the back wall. A photo booth sat in the back corner and then in middle of the floor was a spiral staircase that went up to a loft above the dance area.   The ceiling and the floor both were glass! The stars and the moon shined through and you could look straight down onto the dance floor. The walls were black with little twinkly lights that made them look like stars. The loft held a round sofa and some plush chairs. Ali and i jumped up and down squealing in delight; the club was amazing in every way! Ali's dad came over to where we  were jumping. 
"Should i let in all of the screaming kids outside?" we nodded and couldn't stop smiling. As all of our friends filed in "Love Me" by Justin Bieber came on and life couldn't get better!


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Who wants to be my baby? Chapter 2 Elizabeth's POV I looked

3 faves · Jun 2, 2011 5:32pm






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