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Bestfriends and Boys
{and everything that comes in between}

Chapter 5 part 3
Sam's POV

'm sitting here in bed alone on a saturday night. Just because I had to have lax this morning Kristen & Erin just had to hang out without me. God. I hate when they do that because they comeback with the best stories and rub them all in my face. Like one time they went to Ridgefield and met two boys and got their numbers then hung out with them all night on the lake. I miss all the good times? They tell me I'm a party pooper. Yeah I'm not the one to take risks and go crazy like them. I don't like to get drunk or sneak in and out of houses. Its like they don't even need me to be with them. When my mind wonders sometimes I think of breaking away from them but I just can't and I won't because they mean the world to me. I feel like I don't mean anything to them sometimes. Hell, If I left they probably wouldn't even notice. Why not leave. Bri did ask If I wanted to join them today. It would give me a chance to take revenge on them...but wait! They've all ways been there for me and never left my side. On the other hand I mean it is summer.... time to experiment friends right? I picked up my phone and sent a text to Bri saying " Wanna hang out tomorrow?(:" Lets see if they miss me...
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Bestfriends and Boys {and everything that comes in between} Chapter

7 faves · May 28, 2011 8:17pm






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