Witty Profiles

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change in heart
chapter 4

kylies pov

please read! i worked so hard on this chapter and i wanna get it to the top story quotes... 10+ faves?

for something thats not gonna last... o was sure giving my look alot of time. i curled my hair and put on a cute sweatshirt-thingy, jean shorts, and black TOMS. my heart started to beat real fast at 7:55, why was i so nervous about going on a date with someone who completely annoys me.
oh gosh, i grabbed my purse and slowly went down the stairs. James looked great i must admit, i met him at the door, "ready?" i asked calmly, he escorted me to the car. he opened the door and i got it. "where we going?" i asked.
"its a surprise." he said as her turned the radio on and rolled down the windows. soon we were at the beach, he grabbed a basket out of the trunk of his truck and took me out to the beach. He set up a picnic with flowers, candles and take out Chinese (my favorite) and had a radio on low. We ate in pretty much all silence, just listening to the waves, and music coming from the radio. 
"why?" i asked after i swallowed my last bite of food.
"why what?" he asked, i turned and faced him crisscrossed.
"why did you want to date me? just because im the only girl in the school you haven't dated?"
"thats it!" i turned back towards the shore, "i cant believe this, no wait i can i really can! your such a jerk! no wonder you dont stay with girls for more than a week." 
"kylie..." he sighed, "you wouldnt believe me if i told you."
"tell me player boy." 
"well i really like you!"
i thought he was joking and completely out of his mind.
"ya well then, how many girls have you dated?" he stood up and faced me. "idk" he shrugged his shoulders. 
he turned the radio up.
"how many?!" he took my hand and pulled me up to my feet.
"like you said earlier." he winced. he pulled me close and slowly started to move to the music.
"fine! how many girls have you kissed?" 
he paused for a moment brought me n tight and kissed lightly.
"one." he whispered as he smiled.

o gosh aint he a cutie :) he makes me smile. please favorite! id love to get more readers! comment if you read and liked (or disliked and comment and tell me why i take criticism very well.) thanks all you readers! ha ha ha lol love you bunches :) comment with what you think! ps i changed up the look a little bit... like it? (only reason is cuz i had to use the new editor)

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change in heart chapter 4 kylies pov please read! i worked so

12 faves · 2 comments · May 26, 2011 10:30am






rasgirlx018 · 1 decade ago
me tooooo this is soo cute!
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Andreeaxsmile · 1 decade ago
oh god iwant a boy like James now (: hes just cuteeeee =D and i love the chapter =)
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