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many things makes me physically sick. but when a girl, posts pictures OF ONLY herself in say a towel, or with her boobs out or her vaj practically out literally makes me physically sick. really? like do you really need to expose yourself like that to get attention from guys? how about you have an ounce of respect for yourself and cover the hell up. and then to comment or make the caption, ‘ugly’, ‘i look gross’, or anything else like that makes me want to go and shake them. like you obviously don’t think its ugly or you wouldn’t have posted it. but oh wait the only reason you say that is to get attention not to mention that your boobs are all over the place looking like a low class hooker whose looking for a job. please ladies, you are all beautiful in your own way. there is no need to have your chest hanging out in your profile pictures. guys only comment and like your picture cause its ‘good to look at’. they only know you cause of your assets. oh and guys, come on now? stop commenting on these pictures. this is just me, but if i see a picture with some girl with her chest all over the place and i see that you commented ‘looking sexy ;)’ or something like that, that right there is an instant turn off. i literally lost all respect for you. end of story, no turning back. but anyway. ladies, there is no need to expose yourself like this. if you want to get attention from a guy, use your mind, not your body. literally everyone is beautiful. don’t ever stoop down to a level you might not be able to get out of
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RANTTTTTT not many things makes me physically sick. but when

4 faves · May 24, 2011 11:52pm






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