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I wish I had someone
who would be my best friend and the perfect boyfriend at the same time, someone who would never ever leave, someone who would never lie to me, someone I could actually trust & tell everything to, someone who would never walk out of my life just because, someone who actually made me feel like I was good enough for something, someone who wouldn't be afraid to say "I love you," someone who wouldn't be afraid to show that he loves me, someone who wouldn't be afraid to hold hands, kiss me, or hug me in front of his friends, someone that would text me "good morning sunshine" & "good night beautiful" every day and night, someone that would always make me laugh when I don't even wanna smile, someone who would keep track of how many days we've been dating, someone who would say "I love you" and actually mean it, someone who would love me for me, someone that would turn my flaws into beauty, but most importantly, someone who would never ever break my heart. ♥

long but worth the read, all mine(;

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I wish I had someonewho would be my best friend and the perfect

14 faves · May 22, 2011 9:02pm






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