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 you know what i hate? i hate it that we were about to be something really good. i could feel it, i knew it. i liked it how we flirted and nobody suspected anything. it was just between you and me, you would text me first to compliment me and i wanted to brag about it but i knew that would ruin it. then, that night, at a party, we ruined it. we kissed, and it was awesome. but now,everyone knows about it. andnow thats all we do. sure, you say you like me when we're in a room alone making out, and i believe you, i do. i just wish we hadnt gone so public from the very begginning. now if we flirt or you're just nice to me, everyone looks and makes a big deal out of it. i just wish we couldve kept this more of a secretive thing, i feel like that wouldve been a whole lot more special.
and i wouldnt feel so hurt when we ignore eachother out of awkwardness.  


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♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ you know what

3 faves · 1 comments · May 20, 2011 12:07am






Katie_la_la · 1 decade ago
This is like what happened to me :(
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