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Hummingbird Heartbeat
Chapter 1

I get a text from my best friend Steven and it reads "Hey guess what I like Brianna she's really nice." My heart breaks. He's my best friend I'm not supposed to fall in love with him! This is what I keep repeating to myself over and over. I try to keep my mind off him but it doesn't work. Okay so maybe I do love him so what! Who are you kidding he doesn't love you back he likes Brianna.
"Emily you almost ready your bus is gonna be here soon!" my mom calls to me.
"Coming!" I yell back.
I straighten my hair, put mascara on, and a mini skirt with a lace shirt and fly down the stairs to my bus. As I get on my bus one of my friends, Sarah is there to greet me.
"Hey chica what's up with you?" she asks
I turn to her trying to fight back tears to hide how upset I am. But it doesn't work. She gives me a "you better tell me what's going on" kind of look and I spill everything to her.
"You know that girl Brianna at school?" I ask her
"The one who is really dramatic and dyed her hair red to be more like you. Yeah sadly I know her."
"Well guess what Steven likes her! How could her like her! She doesn't deserve him!" I scream out (Steven and I have been best friends since I could remember and we tell each other everything. And suddenly I have deep feeling for him but I hope to God nobody knows because they would tell him
"Em, why do you care so much could you possibly like him?" Sarah questions me
"No no no no no, not a chance!"
"Okay so I'm guessing your in denial?" she states
"You caught me." I say
She can read me like a book. So now she knows, not a big deal because she can keep a secret but I'm just trying to figure out why it bothers me so much that I like him. Then it dawns on me. My life is far from perfect. My family is a mess and I have issues myself. I put up a wall to block people out. Most of my friends don't know a lot about me. (Including Sarah) But Steven knows all about it, and he is still there for me and doesn't judge me for what my family does. So now I know why it's hard for me to except the fact I like him. He knows everything about me and that's what scares me the most.

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Hummingbird Heartbeat Chapter 1 I get a text from my best friend

3 faves · May 16, 2011 11:32pm






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