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I Just Need Somebody to Love
section 24
Justin and Kylie story

"I'm so putting this as my profile picture!" I laughed and held up a photo of me and justin. We had gone into a booth where they dress you up like you lived in the 1800s and the pic is black and white. 
"I like that one best," Justin said, quickly taking his hand off the wheel for a sec to point at the one I was holding in my right hand. In it, Justin was dressed as a cowboy, a cigar dangling from his lips and a fake black mustache over his mouth. I'm sort of dressed like "his girl" in a little dress and a big feather in my hair. My favorite part was the small shot gun I was holding, and I had this mischievous look on my face. Justin looked sexy but tough.
"That ones good, but this is adorable," I said, motioning back to my favorite. I was in a floor length dress, twirling a small yellow umbrella over my shoulder. Justin was on one knee in a old fashion black tux, holding one of my white-gloved hands and offering me a daisy.  
I looked over at justin and noticed he was smiling at me. "Eyes on the road, kid." I smiled back. We were on the way home from the park after spending almost the entire day there. It was almost 10pm now. 
I flipped through the rest of the old fashion pictures, (we were in there for about an hour.. hehe) and then grabbed justins phone and looked through the ones we had taken of just our faces pressed together, smiling. One is from when we got icecream in the afternoon, and justin kissed me behind the shop. Kenny had stolen Justins phone and sniped it while we were kissing. I thought it was kinda embarrassing, but Justin just tackled Kenny and then laughed it off.  
"We have to think of a name for my dog." I said, slipping Justins phone back into his pocket.
"How about Jylie?"
"Ji-ley?" I asked, trying to say it right.
"Yeah, its our couple name."
I had thought about that. I had just never crossed my mind, since me and Justin had been friends for so long.
"Thats a good idea, but.."
"But what?"
I looked at him. "i want it to be a name that when we hear it, we think about our lives back in Canada. When we hear it, we think of the way things used to be. Without the paps or the press or your fans. Just me and you. And Chaz and Ryan and Nolan... "
Justin nodded. "i'll have to think about that for a while."
"Same." I yawned and leaned my head against the window, curling my legs up under me.
"Get some rest, Kylie. We have like an hour before we get back." Justin said softly. 
"Mmmm.." I closed my eyes and heard justin start to sing, almost in a voice thatwasnt audible. 
"And we can go no where but up, from here, my dear.."
I fell asleep to Justin singing to me.

"Hey babe, c'mon. We're back."
I felt someone shaking me gently, and I opened my eyes. "Ugh im so tired."
"There was a ton of traffic." Justin yawned, and even in the moonlight I could see small circles under his eyes.
"What time is it?" I asked groggily, sitting up.
"Almost midnight. I'm dead. Scooters out for the night so if you want we could crash in his room. Its the first floor and I really dont feel like going all the way up to ours."
"Agreed." I climbed out of the car and Justin and I walked like zombies to the lobby, where the lady at the front desk was snoring. 
"So much for first class." Justin muttered sleepily. When we reached Scooters room, neither me or Justin had the energy to do anything. We both collapsed on the bed, and I shivered on the cool comforter.
"Here, get under." just helped me under the blankets and then wrapped his warm arms around me. Both of us were on our sides, facing each other. I had my head buried in his chest. I could hear him breathing over my hair.
"Night," I murmured.
"Night baby."

Goodnight everyone ;) haha comment and fav! ideasideadideas! pleeeaaseeee(: follow me! <333

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I Just Need Somebody to Love section 24 Justin and Kylie story

21 faves · 1 comments · May 16, 2011 9:34pm






KARLiROSE · 1 decade ago
awwwh, that was so cute when he was singing to her. :D it just makes me smile (: awwwh., kay. love it, write more PLEASE! :D
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