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Bestfriends and Boys
{and everything that comes in between}

Chapter 2 part 3
Erin's POV

Okay Kristen is back. Time to meet Carter. She had her time and now its my time to shine. I left the girls with a simple bye & a hug. They wished me luck and  I was off faster than gun shot. I crossed the street and he was leaning against Seven-Eleven. He saw me, got off the wall and his face lit up like the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. I ran to him and he picked me up, spun me around. He gave me one of those take me by the waist- spin me around- squeeze me so tight I can't breath- make me giggle like a little girl hugs. This is gonna be the best. We went inside and he bought the arnold palmer and a straw, He took a sip and I did the same. We walked back to the track and he told me I was beautiful. We were having our normal conversations but then I noticed something... there was a red scratch across his right cheek. He told me it was nothing and I said no its not what happened. He persisted it was nothing so my walking came to a hault. His head whipped around and he said "Fine. Right before I left I got into a fight with my dad. It was the second time he hit me this month. He stopped going to therapy because he thought better but we guess not." I apologized I made him sit down on the steps with me. A boy two years older than me put his head on my shoulder and balled. He cried like  he fell and broke every bone in his body. So I sat there shut up and let him cry. After ten minutes he said " Honestly Erin, thank you. Thank you for being there when no one was. If it weren't for you I would be lost in life. This is why I love you. I love you so much more than any word can ever describe. You're the only reason I'm still alive." My face dropped. I said "Wait... what?". He said "I've tried killing my self by pills ...twice but every time I go to take the last one to complete that fatal dose Your face, Your kind words pop into my head and I put them down." Not one sound could come out of my mouth... I was in total shock. 

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Bestfriends and Boys {and everything that comes in between} 

4 faves · May 15, 2011 10:12pm






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