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A Loving Soccer Season To Begin

Chapter 10
"Ok ready? We're gonna run straight then turn left that's probably where that elementary school is." I explained to Kelsey and we ran, I heard someone running behind us, "Kelsey keep running don't look back!" I yelled. We ran and ran till I spotted a dim light it was the school I pushed myself to keep running. I collapsed on the grass along with Kelsey, we were breathing really hard and I got up, "Come on we're almost to your house we can jog the rest." Kelsey nodded and we jogged all they way there, we walked into her backyard snuck back inside and dove into our sleeping bags, we were freezing and tired. I heard Kelsey chuckling behind me, "What's so funny?" I asked seriously. "It's a good thing we're in soccer." I didn't laugh I just stared at her as if she was crazy and she was, we almost got kidnapped because of her. "We almost died!" I whispered. "That was so scary I almost peed my pants." she told me of course I had to laugh at her it was already 12, "Ok let's go to sleep now we have a big game later, 2 big games later." with that the both us passed out. The next morning I woke up very confused, but then I remembered that I was at Kelsey's house and we had had a game later, I drifted back to sleep when I popped my eyes wide open, the game! I looked at the clock it was 9:30, crap! The game starts at 1:30 but we have to be at the high school at 11 since the game was pretty far. "Kelsey wake up!" I through at pillow at her, of course she wouldn't wake he's a deep sleeper. Taking hold of her ankles I dragged her out of her sleeping bag and onto the freezing hard floor. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped, she's not really a morning person, "I ask myself that question everyday." I smiled and continued, "Hurry and get ready we're gonna be late." I grabbed my bag and went to change in the bathroom, I took out my under armour and soccer uniform, I put my contacts in and put a little bit of eyeliner and changed into my uniform. I got out of the bathroom and went back to the room, well Kelsey got out of bed now where is she. I tip-toed upstairs I looked in the kitchen and she wasn't there I went to her room. "What the hell?" I said throwing a pillow at her, she went back to bed, "No! I'm too tired I just want to sleep!" she mumbled, "Well if we hadn't snuck out last night we could've gotten more sleep! Come on get dressed I'm already nervous about the games today I have a bad feeling about this." I told her and went back downstairs to pack up I skipped breakfast afraid that I'll get sick during the game. I invited Caleb to come watch and support but I decided not too. It hurt me so much that he stopped talking to me, I ruined our friendship.

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A Loving Soccer Season To Begin Chapter 10 "Ok ready? We're

2 faves · May 15, 2011 3:12am






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