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Bestfriends and Boys
{and everything that comes in between}

[ sorry i didnt write yesterday I had four tests to study for and stuff:l]

Chapter 2 part 1
Sam's POV 

So we're sitting in the car, windows open, sunglasses on and music blasting. The one downside is Erin and Kristen freaking out. When I say freaking out I mean FREAKING OUT. They're checking each others hair, makeup, clothes and smiles. I'm sitting in a corner of the car just thinking of what tonights gonna be for me. Honestly its just a reminder of what I don't have. I'm meeting with a good friend Julia so I'll just walk around with her but still ugh. We finally are arriving so we get out of the car and the day the girls have waited for is finally here. Yay for them. We walked past the Ragers and DAMN. THEY JUST LOVE GIVING DIRTY LOOKS. Well they can suck it. We're just walking around and we see Thomas; he looked at Kristen and smiled, she giggled. Then we strut by Carter and the same events take place. The girls are gonna be leaving me in ten mintues and the fun begins ...

(sorry this is short its kinda of a transition to the separate events with Kristen and Erin.)
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Bestfriends and Boys {and everything that comes in between} [

5 faves · May 12, 2011 7:41pm






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