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Bestfriends and Boys
{and everything that comes in between}

Chapter 1 part 3
Erin's POV

So all the girls are finally in my room and we're gonna officially get ready. My heart is beating out of my chest and the butterflies are gonna fly out of my mouth thats how nervous I am. I mean I shouldn't  be, its not the first time we have hung out but I think its the whole hook up situation. But what ever I have to keep my head in the game.  Kristen is putting on her make up so I asked her to do mine too; I'm sick of just my eyeliner look. She said she would. I'm on outfit duty so I'm picking out all the outfits. (Yeah its weird but when the three of us get ready together we have a system. Kristen- makeup Me- outfits Sam- hair... its pretty efficient.) Kristen is approaching me ready to do my make up  so I sit back in my hot pink swivel chair and let her do her stuff. I wonder is she's as nervous as I am?  My eyes are shut and Kristen is pulling away at my face, Sam pulling at my hair and what not so I sat back and thought. How will tonight go, honestly? He said he wants to go to seven-eleven and get a Arnold Palmer with me? I have no idea why... but I might as well go I don't see the problem. But I totally can't pull a Kristen and over think it (she has a problem with that). Simultaneously they both said "Done!" and back away. I sat up , opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. For the first time in a long time I actually feel pretty! Both the other girls are ready so I called my mom and she said we can leave. Alright we're finally going, Oh boy... this is gonna be a  show.

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Bestfriends and Boys {and everything that comes in between} 

5 faves · May 10, 2011 10:22am






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