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Jay's Blue

chapter fourteen;; afternoon cinematic



It's Thursday. I'm happy to be a senior - this year, every Thursday, the school allows us to leave early. At least, after our seminars. I had two today - you only had one. Yesterday, we all organized to hang out. All of us, the old group. I practically skipped to school today. An afternoon with you? I would have sang if I could.


The five of you leave early. You go to Christina's, while I am stuck at school for legal studies. However, once that ends, I run for the bus. I make it just in time. Once I get to the shopping centre, I see you there. A grin wiggles its way onto my face - I can't help it. You make it do that.


We go to Christina's. We are watching movies - Stardust and Anastasia, to be particular. You try recording the three of us girls as we sing the lyrics to the songs, but we are too quick for you. However much I want to sing to you, I don't want it on camera. Four of us - you, me, James and Alex - leave early for our buses. The other two walk home, leaving me to catch the bus with you alone. I expect you to sit far away, but you sit right next to me; so close, I could move my knee only a little, and I would be touching you. My heart begins to race.


We don't talk. It's a comfortable silence. It doesn't bother us. A wry smile crosses my face as you go to your home with a warm goodbye. You don't know, do you? I realized a few weeks ago, but I never told anyone. Not until Alex. Even he didn't know until about a month after I discovered it.


I'm in love with you.

Chapter fourteen. Enjoy, ladies and gentlemen.

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Jay's Blue chapter fourteen;; afternoon cinematic It's

0 faves · May 10, 2011 6:25am




