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Jay's Blue

chapter thirteen;; historical moments


 We have an excursion today - for ancient history. The class was fun, but you were in the second one. With Laura. Why are you always with her? Must the world stay against me all this time? A sigh escapes my lips as the train rattles along the tracks. I can see you from the corner of my eye - I am not sitting next to you, but there is only one person between us.  I wish they would vanish, right now. But they don't. My gaze slips to the floor, but my thoughts linger on you.
We are here - the entombed warriors exhibition. It's fun, talking with you, hanging out with you in the exhibit. We share jokes, we muck around - and we enjoy when Cameron puts on a French accent and tries to pick up the girls from other schools in the exhibit when we dare him to. Afterward, we go to the Asian wing of the museum. I watch you get excited about the samurai swords with a gleeful smile on my face, but I continue with my analysis of the painting on the wall.
For lunch, both classes walk outside and sit on grassy hills. I wanted to sit next to you - didn't you see my wistful gazes? Of course not. - but you sit next to Laura instead. I restrain the tears from falling by using my camera to take pictures of the two of you. You look so happy, talking together, sitting together. Did you know she knows? I do. But she wants nothing more than friends - why not me? Choose me.
We go home, and finally, I can let the tears fall. You're going to destroy me.

Chapter thirteen. Enjoy, ladies and gentlemen.

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Jay's Blue chapter thirteen;; historical moments We have

0 faves · May 10, 2011 6:19am




