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Jay's Blue

chapter twelve;; broken again



Life is moving on, moving fast, moving forward without me. I watch everyone pass me by, succeeding already, living up to their standards. I'm in the mock trial team for my legal studies class - we won, but barely. I could hardly feel excited about it, not when you know nothing of my continued affections.


I watch you from around the corner - there you sit, with your group of friends. You are laughing, talking, relaxing. That is your natural environment. And I see you watch her - always watching, no matter what. You know why I took studies of religion in the mornings?


To be able to see you more. To be able to catch the bus with you, alone, if only for a few minutes. To be able to watch you from the corner of my eyes, and see you enjoying the class. But you're always watching her, talking with her. With Laura.


I think it's getting worse.

Chapter twelve. Enjoy, ladies and gentlemen.

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Jay's Blue chapter twelve;; broken again Life is moving on,

0 faves · May 10, 2011 6:10am




