Witty Profiles

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    My Bucket list <3
1) Go Skydiving
2) get a detention for singing Justin Bieber
3) 4) Go deep sea diving
4) eat cake in the break room
5) pet an alpaca
6) Go on a missionary trip
7) Adopt a child

8) Ride down the street in a lightning mcqueen car
9) Go to walmart and dress like the mannequins and BE MANNEQUINS
10) Play basket ball in New York
11) Meet Mikey and Big Bob
12) Be the homcoming queen
13) Meet Lady Gaga
14) Go to rome
15) Go on tour with ATF (acquire the fire)
16) Get a picture with a rock star
17) Meet Hollywood undead <3
18) Get married
19) Help the kids in Africa and give them HOPE <3
20) Make the world a better place
21) Mend the Broken

22) Give someone advise
23) Be a best friend (:
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My Bucket list <3 1) Go Skydiving 2) get a detention for singing

0 faves · May 8, 2011 2:07pm




