Witty Profiles

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Elementary School: yea wish i cud go back :(
Middle School: yup
.:.High School: Sophomore next year  
.:. Favorite soda: sprite or mountain dew
.:. Favorite singer: Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood
.:. Favorite animal: horses
.:. Favorite fruit: strawberries or watermelon
.:. Favorite weather: sunny, around 60 degrees, mabye a little warmer
:. Have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Ridin Solo!!!!
.:. Like someone: Yup
.:. Want more piercings: nope
.:. Want a tattoo: idk, probly not
.:. Person talked to on the phone: Sisi
.:. Person you hung out with: Allie
.:. IMed: idk, cousin
.:. Movie watched: Wizards of Waverly Place Movie
.:. Movie you Saw In theatres: Beastly
.:. cried over love: no
.:. been arrested: no way!!
.:. had a friend die: no 
.:. used a gun: well....a rubber band gun
.:. got surgery: well i got tubes in my ear when i was little
.:. hated someone: definatly
.:. Blue or red: Blue
.:. Spring or Fall: Spring
.:. Criminal record: no
.:. Do you speak a different language: spanglish, tineey bit of German
.:. Any piercings and where: my ears, double pierced
.:. How old do you act: ummmm....idk 13-15
.:. Braces: got em off the day before eight grade started
.:. Do you have any pets: 2 dogs and a cat
.:. Mood: relaxed
Who is in the room with you? nobody
Who was the last person you told i love you to? mom
Who gets on your nerves the most from school? Idk teachers, annoying stuck up girls
What was the last thing you ate? Cinnamon sugar toast
What was the last thing you drank? water
What color pants are you wearing? Black athletic shorts with a blue stripe down the side
What is the closest item near you that is blue? The chair im sitting on
What are u wearing on your feet? Flip flops
What instant messaging service do you use? Gmail, used to have aol
What is your favorite shoe brand? ugg, converse
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts? Idk depends
What do you currently hear? The tv
When is your birthday? January 11
Where is your favorite place to be? The beach or barn
Where is your phone? On my lap
Where do you sleep? My bed
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now? Cape Cod
What instrument do you play? None right now but i want to learn to play guitar
Run or walk somewhere? idk
A couple good friends or many casual ones? A couple of really good friends

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Elementary School: yea wish i cud go back :( Middle School: yup

2 faves · 2 comments · May 7, 2011 3:04pm






LittleRascalFlatts · 1 decade ago
ummmmmmmm yea sure thats it.... :)
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pinkyrose3 · 1 decade ago
yes on the favorite singer topic, carrie underwood was last because U SAVED DA BEST FOR LAST
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