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Quote #2815519

1 faves · 5 comments · May 4, 2011 10:36pm






xlivetolaughx · 1 decade ago
thankss for you help guyss♥
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crazylovele9 · 1 decade ago
I'm kinda all ovr the place and I didn't need to mentionn about myself, but u don't wannna starve urself cos then ull look fake. I read ur about me, and u said u hate fake people.
If u like to eat, he'll then eat...I eat a lot :D I like food. If u like to run, run don't force urself to run. Find a sport u like and practice it an ull lose wieght. Maybe go to a camp or be a consuler ovr the summerr, then u find new people to hang out with, better and real friends, and u will hv to move around. My friend goes to camp to lose wieght, she doesn't run around much and she's not tht active but she loses 10 pounds+
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crazylovele9 · 1 decade ago
Please don't do that?
I hate my body and I'm skinny. I'm *too* skinny, my friends thinkk I need to eat cos I'm unhealthy skinny and I eat a lot. U can see my ribs its disgustingg....
People who r skinny want sum wieght, people who r fat want to be skinny.
U rlly rnt that bad in ur profile picture. U hv a pretty face, ur hair is pretty, ur smile lights up the pic. U don't look over wieght, I don't see all of u soo maybe u have sum chub, idk...
Keep a balanced diet, becuasee if u don't eat ur body goes into stravation mode and stops ur metabolism, so when u do eat u gain a lot of wieght and then ur body starts taking the fat and muscle and turns it to sugar. So u wld be gaining more wieght by straving urself.
Since the days r becoming warmer(where I am, I think the same for u) chug down a lot of cold water. Throw water bottles in the fridge and drink a lot of water. Many models and actresses do that because drinking a lot of water makes their skin look better, helps clear their face n lose wieght.
Eat a salad with dinner and a small one with lunch if ur only gona eat a salad top it with crutons and dressing and veggies because u need carbs. Don't snack in between meals and eat balanced meals not starve urself.
U can't rlly do nonstop exercise, ull over work ur body, make sure u get a good night sleep and excerise a good amount. If u don't live far frum the skool walk home, run around ur block and nieghbor hood, if u live near a trail or watevr take bike rides. The weather is gonna be betterr, get out a lot, etc. Go to the gym... but don't work out too much or starve urself....ull be better off eating ur meals and excersiving a good amount then starving urself and working out every secound u can
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liviababy · 1 decade ago
Oh my gosh, baby doll, NO. Don't ever do that. The world is a mean place but you know what? Screw them! I promise you not eating and exercising is going to make you look sick. Just be healthy. Eat healthy. Eat less. Portion your meals. But don't starve yourself to make everyone else happy. In the end, you're never going to be good enough for them. And I mean, why listen to EVERYONE else's opinions if they don't have to deal with the results? I'm serious, if you ever need any advice on stuff like this, PLEASE come to me. I've had so many friends do stuff like this and it's not good. Sure, they lost some weight but they looked sick. Sick skinny. And they still weren't happy with themselves because now, being bigger wasn't their only problem. They looked unhealthy which is way worse than just a little weight that will come right off with the right diet, exercise, and motivation.
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xxfootstepsonthemoonxx · 1 decade ago
please, ive been down similar paths before, don't do that. it only makes everything worse! you can eat! as long as you dont over load on sweets! you don't have to excersise... unless you want to! somepeople love running (like me) lose weight healthier. dont go down this road
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