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now, we don't hate anymore but we aren't like we used to. you are dealing with your problems with your family and with the person who tore us apart. I'm dealing with my schedule and the boy i love, trying to balance things out. But you were my best friend for 3 years and the fact it all changed within a 4 month span kills me. i know it's not all your fault and i take my part of the blame, but its still hard to see you every day and not spill my heart out. Someday and someday soon i hope that we can be good again. ♥
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it's different now, we don't hate anymore but we aren't

3 faves · 2 comments · Apr 29, 2011 7:47am






take_a_chance · 1 decade ago
thank you :)
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Madix3Cheerleader · 1 decade ago
IM IN LOVE WITHT HIS QUOTE.<3 its happening to me too):
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