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Nothing is perfect

Of course she would ignore me, and continue the conversation with him. "I'm Hannah. I'll be beginning junior year at the end of the summer," she said in a flirty voice. She was moving in with my dad, Terri, Josh and me now? It must've taken a lot out of her, considering she loved the boys back in Maine. I didn't even know why I was still standing there, waiting, at this point. She was still talking Ray, the senior, like I wasn't right in front of her, never mind for the first time in five years. I just walked away, I knew she would much rather talk to him. I joined Michael and Ethan once again, as they were waiting for me so we could walk to Harry's, a restaurant right down the street from our high school. Pat was going to meet us there. Patrick was Ethan's brother, and one of my good friends besides his brother and Mike obviously. He was going to be a senior after summer vacation. He was pretty much my brother, and I would say that about Ethan but considering I like him, that's not exactly how I classify him. Pat was also my prom date, which would be happening July 10th, two weeks away. You would think I would go with Ethan, that's what makes sense. But he got asked by Tiffany Retwood in late April, so when Pat asked me the next day, I figured I had nothing to lose.


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Nothing is perfect 2 Of course she would ignore me, and continue

5 faves · Apr 28, 2011 4:28pm






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