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Harry Potter Fact #20
The youngest of Harry's children, Lily Luna Potter, might have been named after Remus Lupin as well as Luna Lovegood, since his nickname was Moony and Luna means "moon".

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Harry Potter Fact #20 The youngest of Harry's children, Lily

24 faves · 2 comments · Apr 28, 2011 10:47am






cvnt* · 1 decade ago
This is great. I never really thought about that. I like that name, it's cute, but I feel a little bad for Albus. I'd hate to be named that, even if it was a great thought. Being named after the 2 greatest headmaster's, and one of which being the bravest man ever. I have so much respect for Severus^.^
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missauthor123 · 1 decade ago
I did not know her middle name was Luna. I did know Lily was for Harry`s mother. Although yeah, Luna as in Luna Lovegood and Lupin. Thanks! I also remember Albus Severus. After Dumbledore and Snape. And well James Siruis after Harry`s father and Black. Not really good with combining middle names they are. But the thought that they want to remeber the heroes is nice. I especially like the Luna name, because well, I always liked Luna, she`s a rather nice girl. Although I think it was only for Lupin, since well, Luna did not die, only Lupid, but of course, that doesn`t mean she can`t be honored. (sorry if you don`t care)
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