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Just a smile in the halls....
just a smile that never falls..

Just a smile that ignores me...
Just a smile that weakens my knees.

Just a smile that I hate to miss.
Just a smile that sends my thoughts to abyss,

But when he smiles I can't help but wonder.
do you smile because you can't hear the thunder?
do you smile because she said yes?
or do you smile because you don't know stress?
It hurts to know you're okay,

but i'm stranded with clouds of gray
but time is up and shattered now
i entered the maze and now i can't get out

Just a smile, just a smile, just a smile. . .
That was killing me all the while

sparkly_rain_bows321's format-my poem, kinda lame i know
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Just a smile in the halls.... just a smile that never falls..

38 faves · Apr 25, 2011 5:53pm






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