Witty Profiles

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1. Name - Alaria!
2. Birthday - May 16 
3. Current location - bedroom
4. Current mood - eehh content :) 

1. Flower - mmm roses :)
2. Color - pink most deff! 
3. Restaurant - hhmmm.. basically anything!
4. Store - not tooo pickkyy, anything cute il wear!:)
5. Designer - gucci, louis vaton, juicy<3, burberry
6. Animal - myyy puppyy, toy maltese!
7. Drink - chocolate milk :))

This, that or neither...
1. Summer or winter - Summerr.. obv!
2. Shoes or purses - Shoesiesss
3. Jeans or skirts - mini skirt oor tight jeanns=P
4. Showers or baths - showersss.. in baths your laying in ur dirty water...yuucck!
5. Rich or famous - famous.. you get recognized by rich guyss!;)
6. Diamonds or pearls - diamondss hollaa
7. Nsync or Backstreet Boys - bacckstreetboyys<3
8. Yoga or sports - spooorts:) preferably lacrosse & cheerleading!
9. Ocean or pool - poolll.. oceannss nasty!
10. Pink or blue - pinkk:D yyayy
11. Black or white - depends on the moooddski
12. Real tan or tanning beds - nottt on that jshore issh, reaal tan def! 
13. Preppy or gothic - preppyyy :) 
14. Eyeliner or mascara - mascaraaaa & nothinn else!
15. Lipgloss or lipstick - neitherrr

1. Taken or single - single
2. Relationships or flings - Relationships
3. Looks or personality - ehh, both but more personality
4. Longest relationship - 4 monthhss
5. Shortest relationship - 2 dayss.. hahaha and i stupidly broke up with him and he was wicked hot! ugh
6. Crush - trynnna stay singleeeee for once
7. Does he know you like him - skippp
8. Do you believe in soul mates - sometimes
9. Do you like romantic guys - sometimess... theres a thin line between corny &romantic
10. Flowers or candy - both O:)
11. Have you ever been in love - noooo deff not
12. Did it work out - skiippp
13. Has any guy ever cheated on you - heckk no
14. Have you ever cheated on anyone - kinda but noo

1. Best friend - Cassie and Gabby :))
2. Do you tell him/her everything - basicalllyy.. one more the other
3. Is this person number 1 on your friends list - whats a friends list?
4. Would you do anything for him/her - duur!
5. Can you be yourself in front of your girls - isnnnt that a part of being bestfriends!? 
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1. Name - Alaria! 2. Birthday - May 16 3. Current location -

2 faves · Apr 21, 2011 9:59pm






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