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More Than We Can Understand
Part 1

Everyone in the condo was asleep, finally. Hayley opened her bedroom window and quietly crawled out. She had become an expert at sneaking out since the first time she did 2 years ago. Her 14 year old self had almost gotten caught that time too, but she managed to lie her way out of that situation. Like she does with most problems she faces. She slid the window shut, and used it as a mirror. Her long hair was nice and straight, along with her dark make up looking perfect around her piercing grey eyes. She smiled to herself, admiring how good she looked. The smile faded though when she knew she would look like trash by the time she came home.

Hayley sprinted across the parking lot, using her hands to keep her short skirt down. She only had to run across the street, not as bad as last night was, running down 3 blocks. Few cars were driving down the Coastal Highway at 11 pm tonight, which was a bit surprising to Hayley. She managed to get on the other side of the street in a matter of seconds.

In front of her was a decent sized house. It looked small compared to the number of people there tonight. The open windows were the only lights shining on the yard. You could hear the music blaring, and the closer you walked you could feel the bass thumping. Hayley walked inside the house, and shoved her way through people to the kitchen. Liz was there, taking shots with a few guys.

“Hi Liz.” Hayley shouted over the music.

“Hayley! Girl, when did you get here?!” Liz sounded drunk.

“Few seconds ago actually.”

Liz could barely walk, but managed to get over to Hayley and lean on her for balance. “Everyone! This is Hayley! She’s my best friend here in Ocean City! She’s 16 years old, and single! Have fun!” She slurred, but was able to say it loudly.

Three boys leaning against the wall noticed Hayley soon after Liz’s introduction. One had caught Hayley’s eye. His dark hair was messy, his eyes were seducing, and his lips, ugh, she wanted to make out with him then and there. He was taller too, and thin. Hayley was immediately turned on. His other two friends weren’t much to Hayley besides people in the background.

“I’m Craig.” The attractive one spoke.

“This is John and Eric.” He introduced his friends.

“I’m Hayley.” She smiled.

“Wanna take a few shots with us?” Craig asked.

“I’d love to.” 

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More Than We Can Understand Part 1 Everyone in the condo was

7 faves · Apr 21, 2011 6:00pm






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